HRT skin patches can counter prostate cancer in men!
Posted by megri @ Thursday, September 2, 2004
London, Sept 01: Skin patches used during Hormone Replacement Therapy to relieve menopausal symptoms in women could also help men to counter prostate cancer.
A new study conducted at the Oregon Health and Science University Cancer Institute has found that men who used the patches experienced less fatigue, fewer memory problems and lower cholesterol levels.
The researchers also note that the patches may also reduce the risk of blood clots associated with oral therapy.
"Our data suggest that oestrogen skin patches counteract the adverse effects of hormone therapy that raise cholesterol in men with prostate cancer," Dr Tomasz Beer, who led the trial, was quoted by The Daily mail as saying.
The hormone therapy for advanced prostate cancer aims at lowering the e supply of the male hormone testosterone, believed to encourage the growth of the cancer.
However the research also indicates that while suppressing testosterone can control the growth of the cancer, it is associated with higher cholesterol, putting men at greater risk of premature heart disease.
"We found that transdermal oestrogen decreased overall cholesterol levels by 10 percent.The effect was even greater on bad cholesterol, while good cholesterol increased.Beer said.
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